Suriyeli Sığınmacıların Mekansal Görünümleri

SPATIAL VIEWS OF SYRIAN REFUGEES: A Sociological Research on Syrians Living in Adana 
Gökhan DURU

This article, citing the structural factors used by the Syrian refugees who are living outside of the camps in Adana in the settlement process; examines the processes of solidarity and adaptation under the roof of the cluster. In this context; spatial perceptions of urban asylum seekers, processes of adaptation, belonging to the city and how they used the space in the city were examined through daily life practices and experiences. Taking into account their economic activities and social formations, a spatial point of view has been introduced to social capital construction and reproduction processes. In this study, which is a field study in Adana Seyhan District sample, survey, in-depth interview and face-to-face interview techniques were applied by using quantitative and qualitative research methods. And in order to contribute more to the scientific nature of the study, all interviews were observed at the site and reflected in the language of the interviewees.

Key Words: Syrian Refugees, Clustering, Spatial Adaptation and Belonging, Ghettoization

Jel Codes: F22, J15, 015, R23